Money Quest

A NEW Perspective on Spending, Saving, and Investing

Do you..

Want to start saving but always run out of money by end of month?

Know investment is important but not sure where to start?


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Why read Money Quest?


It's 2021

Times have changed and money practices previous generations were using may not be entirely relevant today.



Who says managing finances should be difficult? The core principles have been summarized in a single picture.


It’s FUN

Adulting IS complicated, but the authors have made it practical and even enjoyable. This book is enhanced with AR, scan illustrations in the book to look for hidden videos and animations!

Download the companion app and experience a different approach in learning personal finance.

In this book

You will find answers to  common dilemmas people face in managing their personal finances, that other books don’t  address

  • Understand your money behavior

    What drives you when it comes earning and spending? Find out how this affects the way you need to manage your finances.

  • Get a cheat sheet for your money

    Use the Money Mountain Framework to take control of your finances.

  • Reach multiple money goals

    You do not have to choose between your retirement OR your child’s education because you can do both.

  • Recognize the impact of social and economic shifts

    What are the important changes over the past 30 years that affects the way you now need to spend, save, and invest?

  • Money Mountain Framework

    A picture that show the different aspects of money management that will be useful to reach your financial goals.

  • Change of Time: Grandparents vs Parents vs You

    Ever woner why your parents who did not go through any war or extreme hardship still say to you, “Finish your food. During our time, we were lucky to get fed”?

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The Authors

Jocs Pantastico

Jocs is Founder and CEO of a technology company focused on financial inclusion. She has an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

A few years ago, she launched a personal finance site to help millennials navigate their way through budgeting, investing and saving.

Her challenge to those who are wary of investing:
“If my then 10-year old daughter can start building an investment portfolio, then anyone can!”

Anita Untario

Anita is co-founder of a Fintech company in Asia and is a consultant for an international development institution.

Having worked for a hedge fund, her experience is in risk management, capital markets and trading technologies and systems.

Anita has a Masters of Commerce in Funds Management from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia.

The Authors

Jocs Pantastico

Jocs is Founder and CEO of a technology company focused on financial inclusion. She has an MBA from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business.

A few years ago, she launched a personal finance site to help millennials navigate their way through budgeting, investing and saving.

Her challenge to those who are wary of investing:
“If my then 10-year old daughter can start building an investment portfolio, then anyone can!”

Anita Untario

Anita is co-founder of a Fintech company in Asia and is a consultant for an international development institution.

Having worked for a hedge fund, her experience is in risk management, capital markets and trading technologies and systems.

Anita has a Masters of Commerce in Funds Management from the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Australia.